Friday, April 25, 2014


The only video in the project that I did 100% of the editing on, I think it shows. 

final fight draft


Final fight----------
            Stray and Shiv waiting for Gin.
            Gin tries to talk them down. Shiv says fuck that and just shoots him. It goes wide (Stray noticed it would, as Shiv was trembling with anger.) and Shiv, all the more infuriated, charges. A small trading of blows between them. Stray makes his move, moving in and switches places with Shiv. Shiv backs off, cursing at his gun to charge faster. Gin and Stray trade blows. Gin is surprised by the fighting ability that Stray possesses, makes a note that he should not be this good. Stray assaults Gin with every trick in the book. Gin, caught off guard by the ability behind the assault, is hit a few times, but it doesnt affect him. It does, however, begin to activate his power. All the while, he is struggling not to hurt Stray. Gin grabs the cane, asks for it back. Stray refuses. Gin knocks him back. A shot comes out of nowhere, and Gin dodges barely. Shiv screams in anger, and Gin turns to face him. Shiv rushes in with a flurry of pistol whips, but Gin remains unfazed. He returns with a single punch, and pushes Shiv back. Shiv merely spits out some spit/blood, and returns for more. He assaults with punches and kicks this time, Gin continuing to block or avoid. Shiv lashes out at Gins face. Gin leans back to avoid, stray sweeps his legs. Shiv jumps on top of him and delivers a flurry of blows (punches and pistol whips) He ends by pointing the gun at Gin’s temple to fire. Gin flips him up and over. Shiv misses, screams. Stray leaps in the gap, defending Shiv. He pushes Gin back and away from Shiv, while Shiv recovers. Stray makes a long, telegraphed swing, Gin dodges and chops the back of Stray’s neck. Both are down.

Small talk.

They both get up. Flashy as hell here. Gin reaches for the gun. Stray hooks it and throws it back, spins, and hooks Gin’s leg. Shiv gets a free shot and makes contact. Gin’s adrenaline pumps harder, and Shiv comes at him with a swing. Gin kicks him up and grabs his legs, hammer-throwing him back and past Stray. He uses his speed to land on his feet. Stray, meanwhile, is baseball-bat swings at Gin and Gin goes to counter with an gut uppercut. Shiv, seeing the coming exchange fires a shot that hits Stray’s cane, accelerating the swing so it lands first, cracking good against Gin’s jaw. The blow sends him reeling. In that moment, Stray hooks Gin’s neck and swings around him, pulling him into a faceplant on the ground. Stray backs up and regroups with Shiv as Gin gets up. (Small talk?)

Shiv runs in for a punch. Gin slips underneath it, spins with a sweep. Shiv goes down and Gin spins into an axe kick, dislocating his shoulder. Gin backs off. Yells to try and get them to stop the fight. Stray helps Shiv up. Stray and Shiv rush Gin. Stray attacks, leans down, Shiv jumps off his back. Fakes out Gin, rolls past him, shoots him in the back.

Gin is now done trying to maim. Shiv rushes him with a punch. Gin avoids it, meanwhile, Stray slips behind him and hooks him. He hits him and spins him, leaving him face to face with the barrel of Shiv’s gun. Stray closes his eyes and sighs. Gin sweeps the gun to the side and uppercuts Shiv. In midair, he clotheslines him under the chin and throws him to the ground.

Gin turns to Stray, tearing up. Stray shows no reaction. This pisses off Gin, and Gin asks about it. Stray turns away. Gin goes to leave. Stray hooks the back of his shirt, pulling him back, and strikes him. Gin mutters something. Stray goes in for a wide swing. Arm bar into body punches and uppercut/hook.

“Can someone please tell me what’s going on right now?!” Gin asked utterly confused.
            “We’re kicking your ass; I thought that was obvious.” Shiv replied, regaining his balance.
            “Could’ve fooled me” Gin chuckled. “Seriously though, cut it out. I just need those fancy doodads you guys took from my place – they are mine, ya know?”
            “Finder’s keepers, dumbass. They’re ours now.” Shiv, gave Gin a cocky smile as he stood back up. Stray, a few feet away, also got back to his feet.
            “Listen, you guys know I have no problem with sharing my stuff – I’m probably crazy saying that to a couple of pick-pockets – but this time I’m going to have to insist. Those things are going to put you two in real danger, I can help though if you give them back. We can spar some other time, if you really want an ass-kicking that badly.” Gin smirked and then held his hand out sternly awaiting the return of his artifacts.
            “Real danger, huh? Like you can talk about putting us in danger!”
            “Hey! If you didn’t want to get hurt, you shouldn’t have stepped to this! Mess with the bull, you get the horns sonny-boy.” Gin flexed and laughed as he taunted a clearly livid Shiv.
            “Enough with the cocky talk Gin-“
            Shiv groaned. “Fuck this.” He levelled his pistol at Gin, interrupted Stray entirely, and shot.
            “Whoa!” Gin side-stepped the blast of energy that came rushing out of Shiv’s gun. “Seriously?! You could’ve actually hurt me there man! Enough is enough, this isn’t a game. Just, please, give me the gun.” Gin lunged forward and reached his right hand out to grab the barrel of Shiv’s pistol.
            Stray quickly whipped the crook of the cane forward, wrapping around the pistol. In one smooth motion, he threw the pistol up and over Gin’s right shoulder. Shiv, using his newfound supernatural speed, made it below the gun before it reached the ground. As Gin turned to face him, Shiv let a blast fly, striking Gin square in the back.
            Gin let out a loud grunt as the massive ball of energy made contact with his back and threw him face first onto the ground. The burn was intense, not quite as bad as a burn from Aidan but it carried a similar sting. It was enough pain to kick Gin’s adrenal glands into action. His pulse began to pound and he started to breathe heavily. Shiv zoomed in attempting to land a pistol whip before Gin could get back to his feet, however, Gin’s lit up senses caught the threat with enough time to throw a kick straight at Shiv’s chest. The inertia from his speed, coupled with the force of Gin’s kick, caused Shiv to fly backwards. As he was falling Gin grabbed for his legs and used his momentum to hammer-throw Shiv high into the air. He used his speed to adjust himself on his descent and landed on his feet a few yards behind stray.
            Stray hopped in the gap, between Shiv and Gin. He spun as he moved forward, gathering force to use in a large baseball swing. As swung, Gin slipped in and readied an uppercut. As they both struck at each other, Shiv saw a chance, and shot a blast behind Stray. The blast hit the cane behind the swing, propelling the swing forward with an obscene amount of force into Gin’s jaw. There was an audible crack. Gin stumbled back, reeling from the force of the contact.
            As Gin was off-balance, Stray hooked the crook of the cane around Gin’s neck. He slipped around him, and pulled the cane hard to the ground, dragging Gin’s face into the dirt. Stray hopped back to his feet, and scuttled back to where Shiv stood, with his pistol still levelled at Gin on the ground.
            At this point, Gin’s fight or flight response was beginning to take hold of his body. Every motion was in service of his protection. If they keep coming at me like this, I won’t be able to stay in control. I need to keep them safe; I have to stop to this - now. He was still breathing heavily and his body temperature was rapidly rising. He reached his hand up to his mouth and snapped his jaw-line back into place; yet again letting out an audible crack – his adrenaline allowing him to shrug off the pain. He stared down the barrel of Shiv’s pistol as he came to his senses. Gin felt a chill down his spine. The look of absolute fury that was telegraphed on Shiv’s face was scary, even to a monster like Gin. Gin recognized that look all too well. He felt it inside, every time he looked at Aidan.
“I-“ Gin opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Shiv’s fist. Gin slipped under Shiv’s punch and quickly swept his back leg around, knocking the speedster off his feet. Gin looked down at Shiv on the ground. Gin quickly raised his front leg high into the air and slammed it down on the Shiv’s shoulder. His bones snapped loudly as his shoulder dislocated from his socket and Shiv let out a blood-curdling scream. Gin jumped back and watched as Shiv was writhing on the ground. He would take any chance he could get to try and make sense of this madness. That look on his face…he really wants me dead. Was Aidan right? “This is pointless! No one needs to get hurt anymore! Just hand over the artifacts!” Gin screamed in between his heavy breathes in a desperate plea to reach Stray and Shiv. Though his cries would go unheeded, they were too far gone.
Stray ran to help Shiv up. The two were unfazed by Gin’s pleas – in fact, the fury plastered on Shiv’s face was more fearsome than ever. Gin could see Shiv mouth something to Stray, and the latter nod. Shiv raised his gun from just behind Stray. The momentary flinch it baited was enough for the sudden movement forward from Stray dashing at him to catch him slightly off-guard. He set himself again as Stray closed in. The simple swipe straight down with the cane was easy enough to avoid. Stray’s follow-through seemed overdrawn, so Gin readied a punch.
As he drew back, Shiv stepped up behind Stray. He planted a foot strongly on Stray’s back, and leapt off it. He took aim at Gin’s face, but when Gin moved to avoid the coming shot, he pulled his arm back in a feint, and somersaulted past Gin. As Shiv left his field of view, Stray began to stand, and readied a swing. As Gin prepared to intercept it, an intense pain flared over his back, with a searing sensation.
Gin screamed in agony. It was the first time anyone other than the origins had caused him such immense pain in a single fight. His heart was pounding heavily – faster than it ever had before. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, urging him to get up and react. His body temperature rose rapidly as the profuse sweat that was dripping down his body began to evaporate into steam. He had the aspect of a hulking monster in an adrenaline fueled rage. He could barely control his actions, all he could do was watch as his body reacted.
Shiv flew in yet again letting out a furious howl. He could barely direct his punch as he was distorted by the immense steam cloud emanating from Gin’s body. Gin instinctively dodged. His movements were now much less rigid than before; he appeared animalistic and unbalanced as he flowed through his motions. Stray took advantage of Gin’s unbalanced state. He readied the crook of his cane at the exact point where Gin’s neck would land after his dodge. Stray used the momentum to spin Gin around bringing him face to face with the barrel of Shiv’s gun.
Time seemed to halt for Stray. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. Gin’s left hand whipped up and quickly swept the gun away from his face as his right hand forced an uppercut into Shiv’s torso. As Shiv flew into the air Gin lunged forward with a tremendous force keeping his right arm steady as he slammed it deep into Shiv’s windpipe. Shiv’s windpipe was completely crushed under the force of Gin’s arm which threw him to the ground so hard that his lower body bounced back up.
Gin could felt it as his arm tore into Shiv’s windpipe. His breathe became trepidacious as his mind caught up to his body. He stuttered, trying to slow down his heavy breathing. “Shiv…?” Gin called to the body lying behind him on the ground. “Shiv?” He walked closer to Shiv’s body, staring down at him. Gin’s brain could comprehend it, but his mind refused to believe. He knew what he had just done – as he had done it to so many others before. Why would Shiv have been any different? Gin bent down and slowly grabbed Shiv’s gun. As he rose up, his eyes met with Stray.
Stray was completely devoid of emotion. His eyes were fixed on the ground. He seemed like a child who had just passed blame on their sibling; feeling as though he had done wrong, but unable to understand why. He looked completely lost. He didn’t even try to calculate this situation – he didn’t even want to consider what had just happened. But he and Gin - they both knew, Shiv was gone.
Gin stepped towards Stray, tightly clenching Shiv’s gun in his hand. He wanted so badly to ask Stray “why?” but he felt he wouldn’t get a straight answer. Instead, he started to feel and insatiable rage. When he looked at Stray, he saw not a single tear on his face. No sense of remorse, grief, no sadness at all. When Gin looked at Stray all he saw was…nothing. Nothing, how could Stray feel nothing? His brother had just died before his very eyes and didn’t seem to affect him in the slightest. Even Gin had a tear or two stream down his face only to be evaporated by the steam. “Hey.” Gin called to Stray. “You just…don’t care? You’re just going to stand there?” Stray didn’t answer. He didn’t move at all, he just continued to stare at the ground. This made Gin furious. “He was – was always there, running right by your side. The two of you would face anything together no matter the odds. How can you not care?! Your entire life was based on your dependency on this person and now he’s just gone…You must feel something!
Gin had no time to breathe as his eyes met with the barrel of Shiv’s gun. His heart was still racing and the adrenaline allowed him a moment of clarity before his instincts took over. Just what the hell is going on here? How did things spiral into this hell before me? I thought I could change but, maybe my body is telling me to just stick to what I know…            

how artifacts work

possibly forces out humanity that’s up to Geoff
lower level demons imbue real world items with their energy
to make a pact with a demon the demon has to reveal their name gives human some power over them
making a pact will yield more power on both ends
weaker demons avoid pacts by creating artifacts because demons cannot fully cross to the human side they use human collaborators through artifacts or pacts to meet their goals

when you get ahold of the artifact demon energy rushes into you and develops your power but your human body doesn’t know how to make full use of it and so some energy doesn’t get used slowly builds up inside you if you have enough energy to sustain your existence when you die then you will live on as a demon such as stray and shivs case