Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ideas for Gin's background

Possibly Gin cant even recall his original name at this point just put a blank or dash whenever it comes up
Open with Gin’s gun training exercise he is screaming in agony flame origin makes comments
Cut to gins childhood Origins visit his mansion and speak with his parents it is a friendly and happy meeting and Gin plays with some of the other children Gin panting heavily they point out a hereditary heart condition  of chronos families Gin’s father will speak of retiring to spend time with his family and his frail wife
Origins conspire to murder Gin and his mother in order to keep his father focused they send a hit man and Gin valiantly fights him and while he defends himself he is unable to protect his mother
Hitman returns to origins and reports Gin’s astonishing willpower and endurance the kid just would not stay down Origins find this very interesting and discuss possibilities of having Gin make the deal not only does this show promise but his father had also obtained considerable power from making a deal from etruscion Gin could prove very useful his power could be on that they have been seeking
Gin’s mother’s funeral Gin’s father tells the origins he still intends to retire in order to devote his time to his son the origins do not take this well and use their demonic powers to set and insidious plan in motion by placing Gin’s father in a deep coma slowly over time
Time passes and Gin’s father seem to become more and more ill by the day an 11 year old Gin comes home from school to find that his father has fallen into a coma he calls the only adult he believes he can trust: the flame
The flame tells Gin that he may be able to help his father but the medicine is very costly and may take a while to develop so he will need to Gin to work for him for a while to pay it off as Gin’s father has not been working at all for a year they have no money
Gin begins doing jobs chronos that he knows nothing about. He moves packages for them, picks up payments, and helps to clean up after initiations all the while never asking questions as he was instructed not to and he keeps his mind set on one thing only: helping his father
Two years later Gin comes home to find the Flame’s car parked outside he searches through the house but does not find him until he checks his father’s room the flame is waiting in there for him
The flame tells gin that he has done well over the past two years and that he believes that the cure is ready and holds out a syringe he begins to tell Gin that his father’s condition is like nothing that they have ever seen before and the so called cure could help but there is a chance it could worsen his condition and that it would be up to Gin whether or not it is administered
Gin looks at his father and then stares at the syringe and back again at his father and without and upon seeing his face Gin quickly grabs the syringe and stabs it in immediately he hears a loud grunt of pain and a light begins to glow beneath his father as Etruscion is summoned forth
Gin looks on in horror as the demon emerges and reaches its hand towards him, he looks to the flame with a look of absolute shock and terror on his face to question what is going
Etruscion reaches out his hand and a woozy Gin hears the voice of his father beckoning him to take hold of it. He reaches for the hand and passes out upon making contact.
The Flame smiles an evil smile and signals to his men and the other origins for a job well done
When Gin awakes the Flame is sitting over him and he explains that the appearance of the death god Etruscion spelled doom for both Gin and his father the flame offers Gin help telling him that he can give gin extraordinary power and protection in exchange for his obedience a deal which Gin accepts out of fear
The Flame moves Gin to the loft that he now inhabits across the street from the chronos hq and places the artefacts inside informing Gin that if he allows the artefacts to stay close to him his power will grow
They begin testing Gin’s power to discover what it is they find out that Gin’s adrenal medulla has been effected as it exponentially produces adrenaline and epinephrine which is pumped at an incredible rate by Gin’s heart which has become more of an engine whenever he feels stress fear anger ect
 A week or so passes through Gin’s time training with his new abilities and the origins are absolutely astounded as they resolve that they may be able to use his overabundance of human life energy to charge their most powerful demon artefacts in less than half the time it would usually take and they see that if they leave these artefacts planted in his room by the time he turns 21 he will have instilled and incredible amount of human life energy within them this will bypass the common problem of using up time and precious human life when trying to charge artefacts for use
They plant artefacts within Gin’s loft and convince him that it is the artefacts and not his power that have been curing his weak heart
In 7 months time after working for chronos Gin bears witness to an initiation and finds out the truth behind Etruscion and confronts the origins about it who retaliate violently by affirming his suspicions and telling him that he must continue working for them obediently until he is 21 saying that they will not continue to provide his heart medicine in the form of the artefacts if he does not comply but if he does agree once he turns 21 he will be free to go and can take the artefacts with him (14 years old and the real training begins) They force Gin to be an assassin and train  
Use Gin’s name and his guilt for his parent’s death as the trigger to break him
I can’t do this anymore. I look into the eyes of my son and see his innocence…I don’t want this kind of life for him. It almost doesn’t feel right living in this house. How many innocents have we slain and sacrificed for our fortunes?
Hah! Where’s this coming from George? You must take pride in your work, a few crimes are a small price to pay for the type of power we seek. There is a whole other world out there and the denizens of that world would never bat an eye at our most heinous crimes for they are driven by a different caliber of evil.
Well, far too often it feels as though we are slinking closer and closer to that very same evil. I just can’t do it anymore…..(note to geoff word this conversation very carefully, maybe change things around make mentions of that other world and demons much more subtle)
We’re very sorry to hear that George, we’ll be awfully sad to see you go. We wonder, maybe, if you might be willing to pull one last job for us?
George with a look of skepticism and contempt.
Please George, we wouldn’t ask this of anyone else. You should know we consider you more of a friend than an employee and we could not think of anyone else to trust this job to.
Fine. What do you need?
One week from now, we have a drug shipment coming in from outside the city.
A simple drug run? This is what you need me for?
This is not just any drug George….(something about its effects on humans extracting life force to fuel artifacts.)
After George accepts look to a young Gin playing with his friends in the yard. He can hardly keep up and he is panting. Eva, his mother, comes over with an inhaler.

When the hitman comes, George is out on his mission and Gin walks into his mother’s room as the hitman Is killing her.

I can’t remember having any other name. If there once was a being besides Engine, I have since thrown him away as he was not strong enough to save my mother
The boy shows a strong sense of duty and pride. He refused to stay down and strove towards his goal despite his severe physical limitations. Etruscion may be able to make something very useful of this boy. Perhaps the loss of his father will not be quite as much of a detriment as we once thought.
Do not share fathers death and the granting of Gin’s powers until turn around scene later in the story
Just include Ever since that time I have thrown away my old Identity I must be someone different stronger and able to go through any means for my ends I am now Engine
After hitman reports about Gin have Origins take interest only mention Gin gaining his powers through an odd pact with a demon and then go straight into training after training sequence Gin will wake up in a cold sweat and realize that his nightmares had caused him to sleep all day and his phone is ringing off the hook the origins send him to take care of a mission in the red light district it seems one of their scions is attempting to use escorts that they were planning to process as human sacrifices to wet his beak and Gin needs to put a stop to that as he heads out switch back to stray and shiv who are being assaulted by scions
Reinforce fear in gin during his training have him push himself to the limit during a fight he will feel the pain but still feel really good and get pumped up more and more he moves better and better despite his pain and it seems he is doing quite well until he simply passes out possibly connect this to real time as gin is exercising and he accidentally does something similar

When Gin is getting tortured later in the story Aidan will mention how he orchestrated the tragedies of Gin’s past he has always been controlling him, Gin can’t win a fight against him he must submit he cannot fight a battle he can’t win

“You got both of your parents killed with your selfish overconfidence and determinism. Learn to respect your fears Engine, you will last much longer that way.”

Real name = Gene short for Eugene, they use his real name against him, he attempted to throw away who he once was in order to become stronger and move forward. He must repay the debt his father owes and survive in the underground world ruled by Chronos. 

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