Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Production outline
·         Finish a chapter every 1.5-2 weeks. Writing must be finished before the beginning of next semester.
·         The plan is to have about 1 video per chapter. There will absolutely be no more than 10 chapters, if the story goes that far.
·         Selection of filmed shots and storyboarding will begin as soon as a chapter is finished. Plan to storyboard first three videos by the middle of November.
·         Filming of the first video will begin by the middle to the end of November. Must select actors around the end of October through the beginning of November.
·         Production of web based layout will begin by the middle of October. Hopefully have a solid design by the end of the semester.
·         Web based layout will be completed by early March.

·         Planning on finishing all filming by the end of February. Editing should be complete by the middle of April.

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